Renewal Retreat

The Renewal Retreat is a free, clinically informed four-day experience followed by a self-guided online course for adult men who were sexually abused at or before age 18. Led by a team of licensed therapists and case managers, the retreat focuses on helping survivors heal. It educates participants about the impacts of trauma, offers opportunities to apply healing tools, and fosters a supportive community. The subsequent online course builds on this foundation, offering a deeper understanding and further application of healing principles.

* The Renewal Retreat is only available in English at this time.

apply to the renewal retreat Meet the Team

Interested in a Particular Aspect of the Renewal Retreat?

Saprea strives to provide a safe space for survivors to build a community of support while learning about the impacts of childhood trauma and applying healing strategies to help manage trauma symptoms. The Saprea Retreat has been carefully designed by a team of licensed clinical therapists to help you on your healing journey.

Our Focus at the Renewal Retreat

Saprea strives to provide a safe space for survivors to build a community of support while learning about the impacts of childhood trauma and applying healing strategies to help manage trauma symptoms. The Saprea Retreat has been carefully designed by a team of licensed clinical therapists to help you on your healing journey.

What to expect at retreat

Each day of retreat offers a variety of classes and activities that you can choose to participate in based on your needs. You will also have personal time to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate. Your individual healing journey is unique, and our goal is to provide support through education, experience, community, personal time, and guided online courses.

Experience: What you’ll do

Learn about strategies you can use to heal and become acquainted with tools that can help you work through self-defeating behaviors and unhealthy habits. Our educational classes cover topics such as:

  • Trauma and the Brain
  • Creating Intentional Behaviors
  • Coping Skills
  • Understanding Shame and Resiliency

Experience: What you’ll do

Participate in a wide range of experiential activities designed to help you address the effects trauma has on your brain and body. These activities include:

  • Yoga
  • Kintsugi
  • Art journaling
  • Muay Thai
  • Mindfulness

experience: what you'll do

The Saprea Retreat provides a safe space for you to develop trust, friendship, and community with fellow survivors. This sense of community can provide you with feelings of support, validation, and understanding that play an invaluable role in healing from trauma.

One of the primary ways we encourage community is through support groups. These support groups are available for survivors to participate in before attending the retreat, during the retreat, and after
returning home.

Sample retreat schedule

How Does the Saprea Retreat Help Me Heal?

The retreat was one of the first educational programs of its kind made available to survivors of child sexual abuse. Prior to its launch in 2015, most child sexual abuse treatments were administered via individual or group therapy. Since then, more than 5,500 survivors have attended the retreat and benefited from the uplifting experiences it provides.
The Saprea Retreat has been studied by scholars at Brigham Young University and the University of Michigan, who published their findings in a peer-reviewed study. This study reported that survivors who attended the retreat experienced, on average:

These positive effects were shown to last for at least one year post-retreat participation.

What Past Participants Are Saying About The Saprea Retreat

More than 5,500 adult female survivors of child sexual abuse have participated in the Saprea Retreat. For some, participating in the retreat felt like their only hope for healing.

Read Survivors Stories.

It gave me the opportunity to see myself in a completely different light... flawed and broken but not destroyed.

—Sareta, Survivor